Jake Gonzales

Hi! I'm a PhD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington where I am advised by Prof. Behçet Açıkmeşe and Prof. Lillian Ratliff. I am also a member of the Autonomous Controls Lab. My research interests are broadly at the intersection of control theory, machine learning and AI, optmization, and game theory. Specifically, I'm working on developing safe and scalable decision-making algorithms for learning-enabled multi-agent systems opearting in uncertain, real-world environments.

Previously, I did my undergrad in ECE at the University of New Mexico, where I did undergrad research in the Human-Centered Systems and Control Lab and was supervised by Prof. Meeko Oishi. My research was in data-driven control and stochastic optimal control. I'm intersted in theory and algorithms for practical applications, so I have spent time doing internships at Sandia National Labs and MIT Lincoln Labs.

Github     G. Scholar     LinkedIn     CV    

jakegonz [at] uw [dot] edu


Safe Probabilistic Planning in Human-Robot Interaction using Conformal Risk Control

Jake Gonzales, Kazuki Mizuta, Lillian Ratliff, Karen Leung
In Preperation
Webpage  •  

Hierarchical Decision Framework for Multi-Agent Path Finding

Jake Gonzales, Joey Sullivan, Samuel Burden, Lillian Ratliff, Daniel Calderone
In Preperation
Webpage  •  

How to Train Your Neural Control Barrier Function: Learning Safety Filters for Complex Input-Constrained Systems

Oswin So, Zachary Serlin, Makai Mann, Jake Gonzales, Kwesi Rutledge, Nicholas Roy, Chuchu Fan
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
Webpage  •   PDF  •  

Data-Driven Stochastic Optimal Control Using Kernel Gradients

Adam J. Thorpe, Jake A. Gonzales, Meeko MK Oishi
American Control Conference, 2023
PDF  •  

Advancing Model Credibility for Linked Multi-Physics Surrogate Models within a Coupled Digital Engineering Workflow of Nuclear Deterrence Systems

Sofie W. Schunk, Shane McMurray, Jake A. Gonzales
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3, Proceedings of the 41st IMAC, 2023
PDF  •  

Visualization of MBSE Datasets in an Interactive 3D Game Engine

Kelsey Wilson, Ruby Ta, Jake Gonzales, Seethamble S. Mani, Casey Noll, Wesley Krueger, William Gruner, Timothy Wisley
Western States Regional Conference INCOSE, 2022

  • EE406 Teaching Engineering Spring 2024 | University of Washington
    Teaching Assistant

    In this course students learn evidence-based learning techniques for teaching STEM related topics such as active and inductive learning. This course teaches prospective engineers how to teach engineering. I taught a lesson, lead discussions, graded homework and final projects, and providing feedback on assignments and projects.

  • EE238 Computer Logic Design Spring, Fall 2022 | University of New Mexico
    Teaching Assistant

    A course on digital logic and computer organization with topics including: number systems, Boolean algebra, K-maps, combinational/sequential circuits, VHDL coding, ALUs, memory systems, computer architecture, I/O systems, microprocessor basics. I led lab sessions where students completed coding assignments related to these topics. Graded work, gave lectures, and held office hours.

  • ECE101 Intro. to ECE Spring, Fall 2021 | University of New Mexico
    Teaching Assistant

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I gave lectures for this course online on topcis related to electrical engineering basics and MATLAB design basics.

  • Mentor, Prisons Mathematics Project October 2023 - Present

    I'm mentoring an inmate through the Prison Mathematics Project. We send letters back and forth discussing math ranging all sorts of different topcis. I began tutoring him in undergrad level math such as linear algebra and Diff. Eq., and now we are learning more advanced topics such as game theory.

  • Research Mentor, UW/Tesla HS Sept. 2023 - April 2024

    Serving as a mentor for two students from Tesla High School who are doing research on using Bayesian neural networks and other ML methods for mecury pollution prediction in aquatic ecosystems.

  • Chess Coach, Learners Chess Academy 2021 - 2023

    I taught chess at elementary and middle schools local to Albuquerque, NM spanning many grades from K-8. I also volunteered for summer chess events.